Julian K. Woods, Senior Pastor
Julian Kent Woods, a native of Elton, LA., was born to the late Clifton Chester and Edna Mae Woods. He is the second of three siblings. He accepted Christ at the age of 24 and became a member of the St. John Baptist Church in Lake Charles, LA., under the leadership of Pastor James C. Gatewood. Under Pastor Gatewood’s leadership he served as a deacon, Sunday School teacher, youth director and as a minister of the Gospel.
On April 15, 1994 he was called to the Starlight Baptist Church to serve as Pastor. He has also served as president of the Baptist Ministers Union, vice president of Congress of Christian Education for Calcasieu A&M Association, treasurer of Louisiana State Convention Evangelism Team, director of Louisiana Baptist State Convention Disaster Mission Team, Bible teacher in both Seventh District Association and the Louisiana State Convention. He also serves on the advisory board of the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury. He was an R.O.T.C. Cadet and commissioned as a United States Army Officer, and was named among America’s Who’s Who Executives and Professionals Leaders 2000 Edition.
Pastor Woods attended Elton High School, New Orleans Theological Seminary, Liberty University, and Calvary Seminary. He has a Bachelors of Science Degree in Biblical Studies. He completed Dean and President Certification Course through the National Baptist Convention. He is a certified member of Billy Graham Evangelism Team and he completed the John Maxwell Leadership Certification Course. He also received his Bible College Diploma from Faith Bible Institute.
Pastor Woods is married to Barbara A. Woods; they have been united for over twenty-five years. They are the humble parents of four children Jeremy (Jennifer), Micah (JonQuil), Rachael, and Justin Woods; seven grandchildren C. J. Jordan, Brooke, Kennedy, Brooklyn, Jackson and Blaire Woods. Pastor Woods and Lady B both have deep love for God and their family. Pastor Woods’ desire is to disciple people to look like Christ, lead the Church to act like Christ, and see the community transformed into the Kingdom of God.
Barbara Woods, First Lady
Sister Barbara is the seventh of eight children born to the late Mr. & Mrs. Horace Bellard of Church Point, LA. She has been married to Pastor Julian K. Woods for over twenty-five years. They share three wonderful sons, Jeremy, Micah, and Justin and one beautiful daughter, Racheal Woods. She also enjoys every single moment with her beautiful grand-daughters.
Sis. Woods is actively involved in ministry within her church. She is also a graduate of Faith Bible Institute of the Starlight Baptist Church. Sis. Woods loves working with children and youth both in church and abroad. She has been employed by the Calcasieu Parish School Board for over twenty years.
There are many accolades that could be listed, but Sister Woods has come to realize that only what’s done for Christ will be counted in the end. Favorite scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 ‘Trust in the Lord with all of your heart; lean not unto your own understanding but, acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.’